The Shift Project‘s collaborators are of diverse backgrounds, and are managed by the Executive Director Matthieu Auzanneau. The think tank operates under the supervision of the Internal Committee and its President Jean-Marc Jancovici. Project Managers lead the working groups, and The Shift Project is actively supported by volunteers organized within an independent association, The Shifters.
Matthieu Auzanneau
Executive Director
Matthieu Auzanneau first joined The Shift Project in 2014 as Public Affairs and Forecasting Manager and then became its executive director in September 2016. Prior to that, he had worked for more than ten years as a journalist, notably for the French daily newspaper Le Monde and the television network Arte. Albeit sporadically, he still pursues his work as a journalist, which is situated at the crossroads of economics and ecology. Since 2010, Matthieu has been a guest blogger on Le Monde’s website through his blog “Oil Man, chronicles of the beginning of the end of oil.” Also author, he published Or Noir – La grande histoire du pétrole (ed. La Découverte, 2015), which was awarded the Special Price of the Association of Energy Economists (AEE) in 2016. His Twitter account is @OIL_MEN.
Zeynep Kahraman-Clause
Head of Academia and Research
Zeynep Kahraman-Clause is in charge of relations with the academic world. Economist specialised in econometrics, as background, she graduated from the Istanbul Technical University and from the Toulouse School of Economics, where she also focused on the topics of Environmental Economics. She joined The Shift Project in 2011 as project Leader in charge of the Climate and Energy Data Portal, an information platform that provides immediate and free access to a wide range of global energy and climate statistics. She has worked on energy scenarios and has co-authored alongside Gaël Giraud, an academic paper which aimed to make clear the strong link between GDP and energy. She has also co-written the book Décarbonons ! 9 propositions pour que l’Europe change d’ère (Odile Jacob, 2017).
Jean-Noël Geist
Head of Public Affairs
Jean-Noël Geist is in charge of The Shift Project’s Public Affairs. A graduate of Sciences-Po Strasbourg and the University of Thessaloniki in European studies, he also holds a Master’s degree in gender, discrimination and diversity studies from Sciences-Po Toulouse. He first joined the Shift‘s Communication and Events team and then, after a professional interlude in politics, took over the coordination of the think tank’s public affairs. Jean-Noël is also secretary for the Shift for the association Expérience P2E, which has been experimenting with the Energy Efficiency Passport since 2016. Rather polyvalent, Jean-Noël frequently lends a hand to the think tank’s communication activities and also to the projects’ working groups.
Nicolas Raillard
Head of Coordination
Nicolas Raillard joined the Shift Project as project engineer, after having worked as a systems strategy engineer for four years. A graduate of ISAE-Supaéro and the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), he holds a specialised master’s degree in “Environment International Management” from Mines ParisTech / Tsinghua University (China). He is now applying his skills in managing complex systems in ecological transition, particularly in peri-urban mobility and electrical systems. He coordinates the various Shift’s projects, including energy, transport and prospective. He has also coordinated the Shift’s Transformation Plan (more commonly known as PTEF, its French acronym).
Clémence Vorreux
Agriculture Coordinator
Initially, Clémence Vorreux joined the Shift‘s public affairs department and worked on peri-urban mobility. Co-author of the Shift‘s report Mobilizing Higher Education for Climate, she now coordinates projects related to climate-energy education and mobility policies. A graduate of Sciences Po Strasbourg where she obtained a Master’s degree in European Politics and Public Affairs, she worked for the European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment in Brussels, and then decided to join us to help make our vision of the energy transition come to fruition.
Maxime Efoui-Hess
Industry and Digital Coordinator
Maxime Efoui-Hess joined the Shift’s team to work on information and communication technologies. Engineer specialised in climate and modelling, he is a graduate of the Energy, Transport, Environment course at ISAE-SUPAÉRO and of the Climate Dynamics course given by the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse and the National School of Meteorology. He has also worked on the physical mechanisms of heatwave development in future climate in France and Europe, at the European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computing (CERFACS). He co-authored with Hugues Ferreboeuf the Shift’s reports “Lean ICT – For digital sobriety” (2018) and “Deploy digital sobriety” (2020). He was the main author of the report “Climate: the unsustainable use of video – A practical case for digital sobriety” (2019). He also coordinates the Industry project within the think tank.
Ilana Toledano
Head of Communication
A graduate from the Aix-en-Provence Institute of Political Studies and CELSA, Ilana studied International Relations before specializing in communication studies. Ilana worked for several years in French and international non-profit organisations, such as Amnesty International, the UN, Women Equity or the CCFD-Terre Solidaire. In 2017, she founded the Seventeen Muscles Project in the support of refugees. She joined The Shift Project in 2019 where she is in charge of events and communication. She notably works on The Shift Forum.
Coralie Abalain
Shift/Shifters Cooperation Officer
Coralie joined the Shift Project team in october 2024 as a responsible for the Shift/Shifters cooperation. After her graduation of SKEMA BS, Coralie worked as a HR project coordinator then joined Air France in 2018. For six years, Coralie evolved in different position : Commercial, Finance and Sustainability. She worked for decarbonization of the airline industry as she was in charge of intermodality. Meanwhile, Coralie is a Shifteuse since 2020. Especially, she was in charge of the first UniverShifté in Lyon.
Erwan Proto
Project Officer
Erwan has graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris, speciality Energy/electrical systems. He has done an internship in R&D at EDF. He first joined the Shift on the Power Systems project, then works currently on the French Economy Transformation Plan, on energy-carbon balances and on the waste, recycling and second life industry sector.
Vinciane Martin
Project Officer
Vinciane Martin joined The Shift Project to work on employment and finance, as part of the Shift’s Transformation Plan (PTEF). She is a graduate of HEC Paris business school, and carried out internships in the social economy and private equity. As a student, she was a member of the collective “For an Ecological Awakening” and committed for integrating ecological issues in businesses and higher education curricula.
Pauline Brouillard
Communication & Events Officer
After obtaining a Master’s degree in International Cooperation for Development at the University of Salamanca and a Master’s degree in “Sustainable Development” at Sciences Po Lille, Pauline joined the Shift’s Communication and Events team. She previously worked in embassies and for French and international non-profit organizations (Amnesty International Spain and Convergences-ACTED).
Corentin Riet
Project Officer
Corentin Riet has joined the Shift to work on the “Resilience Strategy for Territories” project. A very sympathetic natural person, he enlightens the Shift every day with his radiant presence. Approaching the end of his studies at ESSEC, where he attended the Chair of Urban Economics, he is also pursuing a Master’s degree in Cognitive Sciences at ENS-PSL. He has previously worked at the Cour des Comptes and on mission in local authorities on the theme of ecological transition.
Selma Chanemougame
Head of Partnerships
Selma Chanemougame is the Shift Project’s Partnership Manager. She manages the relationship with the Shift’s funders and develops the partnership activity. She also has an organizational consulting role on the processes and tools of the entire Think Tank activity. A general engineer by training, she has worked for more than 10 years as a sales representative in service companies and IT engineering consulting firms. Passionate about the associative, social and environmental world, she worked as a volunteer in numerous NGOs before finally embarking on a professional reconversion and achieving her dream by joining the Shift and its committed, energetic and humble team.
Emma Stokking
Public Affairs Officer
Emma Stokking joined The Shift Project in March 2021 to supervise the communication and influence strategy of the French Economy Transformation Plan. Previous roles include research assistant for Demos, a think tank located in NYC, consultant for social startups in India and in the Philippines, and content manager for Sparknews where she launched a community of artists who use their creativity to build a more sustainable future. Emma holds a Masters in Management from ESSEC Business School, where she completed the social entrepreneurship major, and a degree from the Philippines Mermaid Swimming Academy.
Mathis Egnell
Project Officer
Mathis Egnell joined the Shift team to work on the healthcare system, climate and energy as part of the Plan de Transformation de l’Économie Française. During his studies, he became interested in the healthcare field through his biotechnology option and his biomechanics engineering internship at Nice’s Pasteur Hospital. Fascinated by environmental issues, he completed a semester of research in environmental economics and joined the Pour un Réveil Écologique collective. He is currently working on the Shift Project’s Health program.
Sandrine Gonnessat
Office Manager
Sandrine Gonnessat has joined the team as Office Manager. She is the linchpin of Shift, managing the administrative, financial and HR side of the business. Having worked as an executive assistant and then as an Office Manager in a number of human-scale structures, she anticipates, plans, supports and organises everyone’s day-to-day work to help them concentrate on their jobs. Particularly sensitive to the need to protect the planet, she chose to join Shift in order to contribute to the development of sustainable projects.
Héloïse Lesimple
Public Affairs Officer
Héloïse Lesimple joined the Shift team as a project manager for the Plan de Transformation de l’Economie Française in the cultural and healthcare sectors. A graduate of the EDHEC business school with a master’s degree in management, she spent ten years working as a communications consultant in the healthcare sector, then as a production manager in the cultural sector for dance and theater companies. At the same time, she ran educational theater seminars in higher education and in the corporate world. She also trains students in show production. In the process of retraining, she is currently completing her AgroParisTech Specialized Master’s degree in “Public Policy and Strategy for the Environment”, with a view to helping drive change in favor of the ecological transition of our societies. She is the co-founder of FAAR (Fonds d’aide pour les arts vivants responsables), which defends equality and the environment in the performing arts.
Virgile Bellaiche
Communication Officer
Virgile joined the Shift communications team to help promote the French economic transformation plan in visual and audiovisual terms. Passionate about images, illustration and graphic design, he specialized in visual didactics at the Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg. His activist background has led him to lead a community on Instagram and Facebook, sharing posts and videos to popularize sustainability issues. Continuing his training in energy-climate and ecological issues, he remains a freelance illustrator for the press and music.
Baptiste Verneuil
Project Officer
After obtaining an engineering degree from the Ecole Polytechnique and a Master’s degree in environmental engineering from the Technical University of Munich, Baptiste joined the Shift Project team to contribute to projects in the healthcare sector. Prior to this, he had the opportunity to study climate models at the Leipzig Meteorological Laboratory, as well as creating urban flood modeling tools for an insurance company.
Marlène De Bank
Project Officer
Marlène de Bank is a graduate of ISAE-Supaéro, with additional training in business engineering. An aerospace engineer with ArianeGroup for 6 years, she held technical responsibilities in the fields of trajectory optimization and systems engineering within the Ariane 6 program. Following this industrial experience, driven by energy-climate issues and aware of the social role of engineers, she joined the Aéro Décarbo association in 2022. Today, she is a member of the Board of Directors, and is responsible for issues relating to the climatic impact of space activities. In 2023, she joined Shift to work on the digital program.
Lila Wolgust
Communication and Events Manager
Lila joined the Shift Project as Communications and Events Manager in September 2024. She studied communication applied to environmental management, before specializing in influence communication and advocacy at Sciences Po Aix, where she graduated with a Master’s degree in “Communication, lobbying, media”.
She practiced advocacy within an environmental NGO and an association fighting poverty, before joining Sparknews, where she worked as an educational engineer. Politicians, general public, corporations, the media and cultural players: Lila loves to educate and raise awareness about major environmental and social issues among a wide range of players. This desire to enlighten and influence the debate on transition naturally brought her to the Shift Project team.
Corentin Biardeau
Project Officer
A graduate of AgroParisTech engineering school, Corentin Biardeau joined the Shift Project team in June 2023 to contribute to the Agriculture and Food projects. After several years’ experience in the administration working on the integration of environmental issues into agricultural public policy, he went on to work as a facilitator for a national agricultural trade organisation. He is keen to take a pragmatic and scientific view of the sustainability of the agricultural and food system.
Alan Lemoine
Project Officer
A student in the “Environmental Risk Governance” Master’s program, co-degreed by Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon 2 and Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Alan is a former top-level Olympic windsurfer at the Pôle France voile in Brest. He joined the Shift team to work on the decarbonization of the sporting world. He is also founder of the Sport thematic circle within the Shifters and animator of the Climate fresco.
Pauline Denis
Project Officer
Pauline holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Polytechnique and a Master’s degree in Public Affairs from the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, Pauline joined the Shift Project team to contribute to projects in the prospective and health sectors. Prior to this, she conducted several internships in the energy and health sectors.
Adrien Fauste-Gay
Ph.D. Candidate – Study of the Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Systems
Adrien Fauste-Gay is a doctoral candidate at the International Research Center on Environment and Development (CIRED) and at the Institute of Earth Sciences (ISterre). He is dedicated to studying the impact of climate change on agricultural systems. Under the supervision of his advisors, Olivier Vidal (geologist) and Lauriane Mouysset (bio-economy specialist), he develops predictive models for the evolution of French agriculture in response to various climate and policy scenarios.
His goal is to create a “serious game” aimed at assisting decision-makers in formulating sustainable policies for agricultural land use. With expertise in complex systems and networks. During his studies at the École Normale Supérieure, he participated as an observer at COP27 and contributed to research on the resilience of international supply chains at the International Institute of Applied Science Analysis.
Laure Le Quéré
Agriculture Expert
Laure Le Quéré is a graduate agronomist from AgroParistech with a specialization in agricultural development. She joined The Shift Project’s Agriculture project in April 2024.
After a four years’ experience working with a network of farmers committed to agro-ecological practices, she spent seven years as a consultant supporting agricultural cooperatives, inter-professions, agri-food industries and distributors, notably in defining and implementing agro-ecology, circular economy and low-carbon transition strategies.
Convinced by the strengths of French agricultural sectors and players, she offers her insight into the sector’s constraints, levers and potential for a desirable low-carbon trajectory for agriculture by 2050.
Vincent Tcheng
Europe Division Coordinator
Vincent Tcheng has joined the Shift Project to coordinate its activities at European level. A graduate of the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, he worked at Banque Bruxelles Lambert in Belgium, Hong Kong and Beijing, then at BNP Paribas in the energy and commodities department in Paris, Singapore and Shanghai. He was also Chief of Staff of the Middle East-Africa Manager in Bahrain, and was based at Bank of the West in San Francisco, in the Risk Department. On behalf of Shifters, he is responsible for work on regional resilience strategies.
Mona Poulain
Communication and Events Manager
After graduating from CELSA Sorbonne Université with a Master’s degree in management, culture and communication strategies, Mona joined the Shift team as an intern in charge of communications and events. In particular, she works on the health program and supports the organization of events.
Thomas Robert
Project Officer
With a double degree in political and financial sciences (EM Lyon / Sciences Po Lyon), Thomas Robert is currently pursuing his studies at AgroParisTech with a Master 2 in scientific agroecology. This three-stage path, at the confluence of different disciplines, has enabled him to approach the question of agriculture and food systems from a variety of angles (economics, geopolitics, diplomacy). This led him to join Le Shift’s Agriculture project in February. At the same time, he is involved in the voluntary sector as vice-president of the Soboyo association, which promotes tutoring and sustainable livestock breeding projects in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. He is also passionate about Japanese animated films, which were one of the driving forces behind his awakening to ecology.
Théo Wittersheim
Scientific and technical editor
Théo Wittersheim joined the Shift Project team as a reviewer to ensure that the quality of Shift and Shifters publications matches academic standards. He also assists with internal team training and project management for The Shift Project, The Shifters, or other organizations building on Shift’s work. With a Master degree in “Integrated Climate System Sciences” from the University of Hamburg, he first worked on the design of energy-climate trainings for the consulting company Blue Choice. In parallel, he has been publishing on his own science media Théo Witter and its associated podcast since 2021.
Rémi Grimaud
Prospective Project Manager
Rémi Grimaud has joined the Shift team, working on the Prospective and Cuivre projects. Drawing on his experience as an analyst at Mines de Paris, he drew up a detailed study on the ecological transition of the plastics sector. He holds a double degree: one from the École Nationale Supérieure des Énergies et Mobilité, which provided him with a solid technical base, and the other in Energy and Economics from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, enriching his profile with crucial economic skills. Dynamic and inquisitive, he now brings his energy to the wonderful Shift team.
Corentin Grange
Communication and Events Project Manager
After starting his career in advertising, Corentin Grange spent 8 years within the startup ecosystem. First as a founder, then as an early employee and finally as an advisor. These fulfilling experiences allowed him to develop a wide skillset, from event production to strategic recommandations, from community building to company culture development.
Cécile de Calan
Senior Project Manager, Lifelong Learning
With dual training in management (ESCP-EAP) and work psychology (CNAM), Cécile joined the Shift Project to put her experience in human resources to work in mobilizing training players in the ecological transition. She has managed human resources in the private and associative sectors, particularly in international contexts. She also set up and developed a management consulting and training cooperative. She has supported a number of forward-looking employment and skills management initiatives for a variety of companies and sectors: construction, homecare, international solidarity, etc. She has also worked as a part-time lecturer in the DU cooperative management program at Paris-Dauphine.
Damien Amichaud
Lifelong Learning Project Manager
Damien Amichaud is leading the project to mobilize lifelong learning for the ecological transition. He sees in the millions of people in the workforce a major potential for transformation, provided they are aware of the scale of the challenge and have the right skills to bring about the necessary changes in their jobs. He has also led the “ClimatSup INSA” project, aimed at integrating the most relevant energy and climate issues into engineering courses through a partnership with INSA Group schools. A graduate engineer in Energy Engineering from the Ecole des Mines de Douai and holder of a Master’s degree from Lyon 3 University in Ethics, Ecology and Sustainable Development, he worked as a project manager engineer in Research & Development in industry for 13 years.
Maxime Kiener
European Correspondent The Shift Project & The Shifters
A graduate of Sciences Po Strasbourg, Maxime Kiener joined the Shift Project team in May 2024 as European Correspondent based in Brussels. In this role, he coordinates and deploys the Shift Project and Shifters’ strategy to influence the energy transition debate on a European scale. Passionate about public relations, Maxime previously worked as a consultant in a consultancy firm specializing in ecological transition issues. A musician, avid sportsman and philosophy enthusiast, he is involved in a number of community associations and is the volunteer PR director for a cultural event in Paris.
Susanna Nilstam
Administrative Manager
Susanna Nilstam has joined the Shift team as Deputy Head of Administration and Finance. A graduate of the Lund School of Economics and Management, she worked for many years in Film Distribution, until she decided to join On Purpose, a one-year program that helps professionals start up in the SSE sector. She went on to work for a scientific fact-checking association, and then for a consultancy specializing in the large-scale deployment of the Fresque du Climat.
If you wish to join The Shift Project, go to the “Join Us” page.
The Internal Committee, whose members are elected among the Board of Directors, manages the day-to-day business of The Shift Project with the Executive Director and his team. Since 2016, it is supported by three new administrators who wished to be strongly involved in our activities: they help to drive our research, promote our studies and represent the think tank.

Jean-Marc Jancovici
Jean-Marc Jancovici is the president of the think tank The Shift Project. He is a partner of Carbone 4, a consulting firm specialising in carbon strategy which he cofounded in 2007. Carbone 4 provides consulting services and data to the economic world in order to tackle the energy-climate challenge. He graduated from Polytechnique, and is a professor at Mines ParisTech since 2009. He is also a member of the « Haut Conseil pour le climat », independent advisory body created by the Prime minister. He authored seven books and wrote numerous articles related to energy and climate change. He also runs a website (
Geneviève Férone-Creuzet
Geneviève Férone-Creuzet is a Doctor in International Economic Law and worked for the IEA, OECD and UNHCR. Chairperson of Casabee, a consulting firm on sustainable territories, she also founded ARESE, the first French social and environmental rating agency for listed companies. She headed the CoreRatings agency, subsidiary of Fitch Ratings, and was also Director for Sustainable Development of Veolia Environment and member of the Executive Committee of Eiffage. Vice-chair of the FNH, she wrote many books on economics and environment.
Michel Lepetit
Michel Lepetit is an independent director in the life insurance and in the infrastructure engineering sectors. Graduate from Ecole Polytechnique and former executive of Compagnie Bancaire, Crédit local de France, Caisse d’Epargne and AXA, he is also a researcher in Economics, Energy and Finance history at the interdisciplinary LIED laboratory and expert at the Energy and Prosperity academic chair. Within the Shift, as expert of green finance, he leads the Observatory 173 Climate – Life insurance and works on the GDP/oil historical and prospective link ; the massive financing of energy-efficient building renovation ; the analysis of global energy transition scenarios ; climate-risk rating methodologies ; energy transition monetary policies ; and green finance regulatory issues. He is spokesman of the IN GLOBO project : massively financing the low carbon economy with private savings.
Sylvain de Forges
Sylvain de Forges is a former Chief Executive Director of the Agence France Trésor (2000–2003). Graduate from Polytechnique (X74) and ENA, he was the Deputy Chief Executive Director in finance, strategy and prospects for AG2R La Mondiale (2010–2016) after working for Veolia Environment. He is now Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Spread Research, a financial and non-financial rating agency specialized in small and mid-cap businesses. Administrator of the Shift since 2016, he first wanted to get involved in the Decarbonize Europe Manifesto.
André-Jean Guérin
André-Jean Guérin is a former senior official of the French Ministry of Environment. Graduate from Polytechnique (X69) and General Engineer of the Ecole des Eaux, Ponts et Forêts, he directed the Fondation Nicolas Hulot (1991–2000) and now is its treasurer. He is also adviser to the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (2010–2015). Historical fellow of the think tank, he helped driving the Decarbonize Europe Manifesto before becoming Administator of the Shift in 2016.
Laurent Morel
Laurent Morel graduated from Centrale Paris. Chairman of several companies (automotive, industrial vehicles, real estate, finance), he was notably the Chairman of Klépierre group (2009–2016) before becoming an associate of the consulting firm Carbone 4 in 2017. Administrator of the Shift since 2016, he co-leads a research on climate risk rating with Michel Lepetit .
Céline Corpel
Céline Corpel joined the Shift Project team in September 2023 as Agriculture Project Manager. An agricultural engineer with a degree from AgroParisTech and a keen awareness of the issues of sustainability and management of living organisms, she began her career as a strategy consultant working on issues at the interface between agriculture and the environment and the management of common goods. Coming from a farming background, she then seized the opportunity to take over the reins of the family cereal farm at Amifontaine, in the Aisne department. She gradually introduced agro-ecology to the farm, using various techniques such as soil conservation, organic farming and agro-forestry. She also holds a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development and Organisations from Paris-Dauphine University.
Juliette Vigoureux
Juliette Vigoureux led the cinema component of the Culture project as part of the PTEF at the Shift Project. She is an independent consultant specialising in the design and deployment of sustainable strategies for cinema professionals, particularly exhibitors. She holds a Master’s degree in Management of Cultural Organisations (Paris Dauphine, 2007) and a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development (Paris Dauphine, 2021). Juliette has worked in the film industry for 15 years, in festivals (Cannes), institutions (Cinémathèque Française) and film distribution (Mars Films). She is the author of a dissertation on the role of public authorities in the environmental transition of cinemas. She also runs the Fresque du Climat.
Valérie Bonnard
Valérie Bonnard co-piloted the visual arts component of the Culture project as part of the PTEF at the Shift Project. A graduate of Sorbone, Sciences-Po Paris and ENA (Averroès class), she also holds an Executive Masters in Sustainable Development Management from Mines ParisTech. She has worked at the Ministry of Education, was head of the culture office in the Budget Department at the Ministry of the Economy and a rapporteur at the Court of Auditors. She joined the Executive Committee of Réseau Ferré de France, then became Director of the Lyon and Bercy railway stations, and Chief Sustainability Officer at SNCF Gares et Connexions. She is now in charge of Strategy and Sustainable Development at RMNGP (Réunion des Musées Nationaux et Grand Palais).
Kelvin Frisquet
Kelvin Frisquet is head of the “ClimatSup Business” project. This project aims to integrate socio-ecological issues into business school courses, thanks to the case study of Audencia, a partner in the project. A graduate in Psychology (Université Paris Nanterre), Finance (ESG UQAM) and Information Systems (HEC Montréal), Kelvin joined Shift after more than 15 years’ experience in strategy consulting for companies in France and Canada. He teaches strategy and change management at Neoma Business School and Sorbonne Business School and is a volunteer with the Shifters association.
Thomas Rambaud
Thomas Rambaud is assisting Laurie Marrauld with the Shift’s work on the healthcare sector, and particularly on carbon data. He has also contributed figures to Shift’s work on teaching climate-energy issues in higher education in France. He is a graduate of Polytech Nantes and holds an MBA from the Institut international de management (CNAM). In his 25-year career, he has worked for major service companies in the healthcare sector, first in IT, then as a manager in operational excellence and finally as Director of programmes on compliance and transparency of links of interest between healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry. He is a member of The Shifters.
Fanny Valembois
Fanny Valembois joined the Shift’s Culture team in 2021. She also leads the Culture thematic circle within The Shifters association. She holds a Master’s degree in international cultural project management from the University of Versailles, and has managed cultural and educational establishments in France and abroad, taught at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès and worked for several years in China for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Alliances françaises network. She is now a trainer and consultant on energy and climate issues for cultural organisations.
Laurent Perron
Laurent Perron is co-piloting the PTEF Automotive Industry project for The Shift Project. A mechanical and energy engineer (ENSIMEV), he has spent his career in the automotive industry and trade. He spent 5 years with the Volkswagen Group in France and then 17 years with PSA, where he held positions in service quality, vehicle design and industrialisation, and economic evaluations. He joined the sustainable mobility research institute Vedecom in 2017, where he is in charge of quality and CSR. Committed to the decarbonisation of society, and of transport in particular, he is moderator of the Fresque du climat and project manager of the Fresque de la Mobilité for the Shifters, a voluntary association that supports the work of the Shift Project.
Jacques Portalier
Jacques Portalier joined the Shift as Automotive Industry Project Manager as part of the French Economic Transformation Plan (PTEF). Trained as an engineer (Centrale Lyon and ENSPM), he has spent 20 years working for PSA, in both technical and strategic positions. As such, he has unique experience of the technical, economic and legal aspects of the entire automotive industry. Committed to environmental issues (Master IGE from Mines ParisTech), in 2019 he worked for the Haut Conseil Pour le Climat. Now an independent consultant, Jacques regularly works with consultancy firms (Carbone 4 in particular) to contribute his expertise on strategic foresight projects and on Climate and Transport issues.
Marion Kentzel
Marion Kentzel has joined the Shift between 2020 and 2022 as Agriculture Project Manager for the Plan to Transform the French Economy.
Jean-Guillaume Bretenoux
Jean-Guillaume Bretenoux is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and a Chief Engineer of Ponts, Eaux et Forêts. After several posts at the Ministry of Agriculture in decentralised services, in central administration and as agricultural advisor in Brasilia, followed by experience in a ministerial cabinet, he became Deputy Director for the management of the Ministry’s services. He then joined the General Directorate for Social Cohesion as Deputy Director responsible for the autonomy of disabled and elderly people. He has been on leave in New York since 2019, where he has maintained a blog on the American elections. Already a member of The Shifters, he joined The Shift Project to lead the Public Administration sector of the PTEF from the end of 2020 to July 2022. In August 2022, he handed over to Jason Saniez.
Béatrice Jarrige
A transport economist, Béatrice Jarrige has been project manager for the Shift since 2020 on the long-distance mobility component of the PTEF. A graduate of the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique, she previously worked for SNCF for 25 years, in particular on economic models for new services and infrastructure. She is a consultant, specialising in the economics of rail transport, and project manager for assistance to local authorities.
Reuben Fisher
A volunteer with The Shift Project since the spring of 2020, he leads the work on Freight. Reuben Fisher was born in 325 PPM*, and has had an international career from an early age – England, Singapore, Ghana, etc. He has been a travel guide for tourists on Harley Davidsons on the Dixie Highway in the United States, a teacher at the Lycée Do Kamo in Nouméa, New Caledonia, an internal English trainer at Carglass France, and then joined Colis Privé in 2011 in charge of IT project management. After graduating from Mines ParisTech with a specialised master’s degree in RSEDD in 2020, he is now CSR & Sustainable Development Director at Hopps Group. *PPM – parts per million (of CO2 in the atmosphere).
Olivier Rech
Olivier Rech led the work on oil and gas supply in the European Union. He is a consultant and a graduate of ENSPM, Université de Bourgogne, ESCEM and Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. He was an economist and trainer at the Institut Français du Pétrole from 2000 to 2006, co-author of the 2007, 2008 and 2009 editions of the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook and Carbone 4 consultant in 2010 and 2011, then financial investment consultant from 2011 to 2013. He was then Head of Energy-Climate Research at Beyond Ratings from 2014 to 2019. He is a member of ASPO France.
Olivier Del Bucchia
Olivier Del Bucchia graduated in engineering from ISAE-SUPAERO in 2001 and works on aviation. Co-founder of the AÉRO-DÉCARBO association, co-author of the report “Pouvoir Voler en 2050” (AÉRO-DÉCARBO / The Shift Project, 3 March 2021), “Fresque du climat” presenter, IT Project Director and certified Professional Coach. What all these activities have in common: welcoming, raising awareness, transforming, relying on science, imagining the future as part of the present human world.
Grégoire Carpentier
Grégoire Carpentier trained as an aeronautical engineer (ISAE-Supaero) and works on aviation. He is co-founder and vice-president of AÉRO DÉCARBO (an association under the law of 1901 whose aim is to encourage the transition of the aerospace sector towards a world that respects planetary limits), and co-author and coordinator of the report Pouvoir voler en 2050 (Being able to fly in 2050). Since 2023, he has also been chairman of The Shifters association, where he runs the Teach The SHift! programme, which uses conferences to raise awareness of energy and climate issues among the general public and intermediary bodies.
Laurent Delcayrou
Laurent Delcayrou joined The Shift Project in 2020 to manage the Territory resilience strategy. Agronomist and economist by training he worked on defining and improving development policies and projects for more than twenty-five years. As consultant or as association leader, he contributed to designing and implementing territory strategies in France, in Europe and in the world. He also managed several national networks of local authorities and French NGO. In 2008, he founded eurêka21 a consulting firm specialised in European territorial cooperation and analysis of outstanding European practices in sustainable development.
Damien Amichaud
Damien Amichaud is leading the “ClimatSup INSA” project, which aims to integrate the most relevant energy and climate issues into the engineering courses offered by the INSA group’s schools. Damien holds an engineering degree from the Ecole des Mines de Douai in Energy Engineering and a Master’s 2 from Lyon 3 University in Ethics, Ecology and Sustainable Development. He worked as an R&D project manager in industry for 13 years. Convinced that the generation of young engineers will play a fundamental role in the ecological transition, he questions the role of the engineer for society in this project.
Yannick Saleman
Yannick Saleman joined Shift in 2020 to lead the employment and finance workstreams of the French Economy Transformation Plan (PTEF). Also an active Shifter, he leads the local group in La Réunion and coordinates the overseas territories. He holds an engineering degree from Ponts Paris Tech, a Masters in Finance and Economics from the London School of Economics and a Masters in Public Affairs from Columbia University. After 4 years in the financial markets, he worked for nearly 8 years at the World Bank in India and Africa on economic transformation policies. He is the author of cited works on industrial policies, and has led multi-sector teams in the design and implementation of projects in West Africa and the Indian Ocean, using a systemic approach and linking development and the environment.
Eric Bergé
Eric Bergé has joined Shift as Heavy Industry Project Manager as part of the French Economic Transformation Plan. A graduate of ESCP and Ecole Centrale Paris, Eric has spent nearly 30 years in the materials industry and construction chemicals in France, the United States and Asia. He previously worked for the Lafarge Group, and chaired the Chryso and Parex Groupe companies.
Samuel Valensi
Samuel Valensi has been leading the Shift Culture project since 2020. He is a graduate of HEC Paris and has a degree in Philosophy from the Sorbonne Paris IV. An author and director, he began working with Philippe Tesson at the Théâtre de Poche-Montparnasse before founding the company La Poursuite du Bleu in 2014. He wrote and directed L’Inversion de la courbe (premiered at Théâtre de Belleville), then Melone Blu (premiered at Théâtre 13). He is currently working on a new play, Coupures, as well as on audiovisual creations. He teaches live performance production and environmental issues in culture, notably at HEC Paris and ICART, and was creative director of Pitchy – a company specialising in video communication – for several years before joining The Shift Project.
Denis Gasquet
Denis Gasquet is a former student of the Ecole Polytechnique and a graduate of the Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts and the Centre de Perfectionnement des Affaires (CPA). Between 1979 and 1989 he was Director of the Office National des Forêts (ONF). Between 1989 and 1995, he left this position to become Chargé de mission at the general management of the Compagnie Générale des Eaux. In 1996, Mr Gasquet was Director and CEO of Veolia Propreté. He joined Onet in September 2012 and became Vice-Chairman of its Management Board in January 2013. He has spent most of his professional career in the services business at Compagnie Générale des Eaux and Véolia Environnement, where he was Executive Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer from 2010. Mr Gasquet was Chairman of ONET’s Management Board from 2012 to 2018. He is currently coordinating work on the Industry sector of the Plan for the Transformation of the French Economy, with a particular focus on the after-life sector.
Céline Lescop
Céline Lescop is a computer engineer who graduated from École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique pour l’Industrie et l’Entreprise (ENSIIE) in 1996. In 2019, she joined Shift’s Lean-ICT working group to work on the environmental impact of digital. Over the course of her career, she has contributed to various projects within the Information Systems Departments of the pharmaceutical industry.
Since 2012, she has worked as an enterprise architect with expertise in data in various organisations. She is contributing to the development of international enterprise architecture standards within The Open Group and has been teaching courses on the environmental impact of digital technology and ways of reducing it at ENSIIE since 2020 and Telecom Paris since 2022.
Laurie Marrauld
Laurie Marrauld initiated in 2019 a project on the health system, climate change and energy with The Shift Project. She is a lecturer at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP), specializing in the question of the use of digital technologies in health. After a PhD at Télécom ParisTech in management sciences, she joined the LGI of the Ecole Centrale de Paris and the CRG at the Ecole Polytechnique as a post-doctoral fellow. At EHESP, she focuses on the consequences of the introduction of ICTs in health in a context of epidemiological, demographic and socio-technical transition.
Anaïs Roesch
Anaïs joined The Shift Project in 2019 to carry out a study on how the cultural sector, notably education, takes into account energy and climate stakes. She has graduated in International Relations from Sciences Po Grenoble and the Simón Bolivar Andean University (Republic of Ecuador). Anaïs also holds a Master’s degree of Arts in “Curatorial Studies” from the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (Germany). She has been working on the crossing of cultural and environmental stakes for over 10 years. Anaïs explores the power of art and the role of its stakeholders in the ecological transition. Anaïs worked for COAL and produced ArtCOP21, a festival entirely focused on climate issues during the COP21. She has also worked at the Pompidou Center (Paris, France), Berlin’s Natural History Museum, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and in Embassy, and now supervises the international development of AWARE.
Laura Foglia
After a double training in Political Economy (Bocconi Milan) and Management (HEC Paris), Laura Foglia worked 25 years in the field of mobility policies at different territorial scales. She has been a researcher (Bocconi, ECIS, IFSTTAR), consultant and project director in France and internationally at SYSTRA, head of the ARTELIA Group’s mobility division and head of mission for the Paris Region transport authority. She joined the Shift in 2018 to lead the project “Guide pour une Mobilité Quotidienne Bas-carbone”, of which she is the main author. She is a mobility policy consultant, trainer, and ambassador for the Shift on mobility issues.
Rémi Babut
Rémi Babut is co-director of the P2E Experience association, which runs the Energy Efficiency Passport. A graduate of the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech in urban planning, project management and environmental analysis, he has 3 years’ experience as a consultant and research project manager. He joined Expérience P2E in 2018, after several years with Frank Boutté Consultants. He is currently coordinating work on the Housing sector of the French Economic Transformation Plan.
Romain Grandjean
Romain Grandjean has been Project Manager for The Shift Project since September 2016. A graduate of Arts et Métiers ParisTech and IFP School, he previously worked for an oil group for several years. He is the project manager and lead author of the two studies carried out by The Shift Project in partnership with Afep: “Climate risk analysis: players, methodology, perspectives” (2018) and “Energy-climate scenarios: assessment and instructions for use” (2019).
Hugues Ferreboeuf
Polytechnician, Engineer from the Corps des Mines and a graduate of Télécom ParisTech, Hugues Ferreboeuf has held several senior management positions in subsidiaries and business units within the France Telecom Orange Group. He then led an international double career in management, as an entrepreneur and consultant. He has been at the head of the Banking and Finance sector of the British Telecom Group, where he was involved in numerous digital transition projects. He then got specialized in the management of transitions (energy, digital, generational) and, since 2017, he steers the “Lean ICT” project for the Shift since 2017, at the crossroads between digital and energy transitions.
Formet Project Managers
Francisco Luciano
He is a civil engineer and urban planner specialized in mobility. Between 2016 and 2017 Francisco Luciano led the Shift working group on low carbon mobility in medium density zones, which report was published for the Assises de la Mobilité. A graduate of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, the Universität Stuttgart and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, he has devoted his career to urban transport and to urban sustainable development. Among others, he has been a researcher, an urban planner for the German development bank, director of tramway projects and head of international development projects for a multinational public transport company. He now works as an independent consultant and entrepreneur. In 2018 he took charge of CITEC’s Paris office.
Cédric Ringenbach
An engineer, graduate from the École Centrale de Lille, Cédric Ringenbach has worked ten years as a consultant in business intelligence before he starts working on the adaptation of the Carbon Assessment. In 2010, he takes over the management of the young think tank. He had run the association for more than 6 years and has been leading several projects, including the integration of energy criteria into household real estate loans. He also worked a lot on the Energy Efficiency Passport. Having left the Shift in 2016, he is now full time lecturer on climate change, consultant and teacher in higher education classes (Centrale Nantes, SupAéro …).
Frédéric Dinguirard
Engineer graduated from the INSA Lyon, Frédéric Dinguirard is specialized in IT project management, carbon trading registers and mechanisms, and climate negotiations. He worked for the Caisse des Dépôts, the World Bank, RTE, La Poste, EcoAct and the State of Gabon (National Climate Council, Ministry of Equal Opportunities). He also led forest improvement projects in several countries and advised the Chinese administration on the implementation of a greenhouse gas emissions record. Between 2015 and 2016, he led a project on carbon pricing for the Shift, which played a major role in reviving the debate on the desirability and the means of introducing a carbon bottom price in France and in Europe.
Pierre Lachaize
A graduate of Polytechnique and ENSTA ParisTech, he worked as a consulting engineer at Bossard Consultant. He was then Associate Director of CapGemini and Director of Information Systems at Unedi afterwards. He contributed to the works of the Shift, including the Usages of GDP project, Public procurement and Innovation and INDCs and the carbon budget. He is currently an independent consultant and writes a book on the currency.
Guillaume Emin
Graduated in finance from Sciences Po Paris, Guillaume Emin first worked in corporate finance and commercial banking (KPMG, Banque Palatine) and in SRI analysis (Oddo Securities, Candriam). In 2013, he joined and then led the association AFTER (Association for the Financing of Ecological Transition and Thermal Renovation) which run the SFTE project (Energy Transition Financing Company) led by Alain Grandjean, Gaël Giraud and Michel Lepetit. The SFTE report, published in 2014, proposes an European investment strategy with a broad partnership between the public and the private sector. The objective is to stimulate the economy thanks to the energetic renovation of schools, hospitals and all public buildings. In 2014 he joined the young rating agency Beyond Ratings and launched the activity of climate-energy analysis of sovereign risk.
Brice Mallié
A graduate of the London School of Economics, , Brice Maillé began his career in an Anglo-Saxon consulting firms in the 90s (Arthur Andersen, Ernst & Young). He has been the Chief Executive of BPI Group, (leader in human resources consulting and services). In 2012, he founded Crosstalent, a solution provider in the field of employment, process management and HRM systems. Between 2013 and 2015, he led the Shift’s working group on energy-efficient building renovation and then led the development of the first Energy Efficiency Passport.
Alexandre Barré
Physics and statistics engineer from Polytech Grenoble, Alexandre Barré is a specialist in electric systems. He led the Shift‘s project on how to make residential electricity consumption more flexible. He is the co-founder of the association The Shifters, which brings together the volunteers of the think tank. He is also a member of its board of directors. He started his career as an analyst engineer in the production department at EDF. In 2017, he joined the Union Française de l’Electricité as a business advisor and worked, among others, on renewable energies and the involvement of territories.
Marion Denantes
A graduate in international economics from Paris Sorbonne University and in international law from the ASSAS University, Marion Denantes worked in Brussels on the evaluation of EU climate policies. Between 2013 and 2015, at The Shift Project, she created and coordinated the network of volunteers, then founds The Shifters association. She later resumed her studies to complete a Strategic Carbon Management MBA at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. Since 2014, she has been developing mitigation, adaptation and development projects for the international firm E co.
Léo Bénichou
Polytechnician and a graduate of the KTH University of Stockholm, Léo Bénichou joined the Shift after a stint at the CEA. He led the first projects of the Shift, among which the design of the “Rogeaulito” global energy scenario modeling tool. He also contributed to the Shift Energy-Climate Data Portal. He now works in solar and electricity storage for Engie.
Hélène Le Téno
Engineer of Les Ponts et Chaussées and graduated from the University of Tongji in Shanghai, Hélène Le Téno began her career in hydrocarbons (Shell) and finance (Coequip). Manager at Carbone 4, in 2013, she piloted the project to map the carbon transition for the Shift. On this basis, she published the book “Miser (vraiment) sur la transition carbone” with Alain Grandjean. In 2015, she joined Scop Auxilia to lead the business consulting division and, since 2017, the SOS Group’s environmental transition department.
Margaux Montagnon
Engineer from École Centrale Lyon, Margaux Montagnon led the project on mortgage lending and energy resilience with the Shift, which aimed to analyze the potential consideration of energy expenditure in home ownership projects. After working with the Shift, she joined the engineering firms Indiggo, Artelia (Water & Environment, then City & Transport) and then the Energy Regulatory Commission, where she has been working since 2017 on tenders for renewable energies.
Jean-Guillaume Peladan
He was The Shift Project‘s first Executive Director, from 2009 to 2010. Jean-Guillaume Peladan, an engineer, is a graduate from the École Polytechnique and École des Mines. He worked for the Boston Consulting Group and led several subsidiaries of Suez Environnement. He created the Shift alongside Jean-Marc Jancocivi, Geneviève Férone-Creuzet and Michel Lepetit. He led the Shift for a year and secured the first fundings, before joining the French Agency for Environmental and Energy Management (ADEME) as Director of Investments for the Future. He is currently the director of Strategy and Environmental Research at Sycomore Asset Management.
Guillaume Piaton
Guillaume Piaton was a co-pilot at the French building renovation passport initiative Expérience P2E between 2017 and 2019. He has been working for 6 years on energy, climate and environmental issues in the construction sector, and is a graduate in energy and environmental processes from the Ecole des Mines de Nancy. Between 2016 and 2018, he has been co-leading the Passeport Efficacité Énergétique’s digital and technical development at Expérience P2E, and focusing on the training auditors for the Passport and structuring the experimentation with local public authorities.
Benoit Montels
As a thermal engineer and energy efficiency consultant for buildings, Benoît Montels is also involved in environmental associations such as Avenir Climatique. A graduate of the Paul Sabatier University in Housing Engineering, energy performance and comfort, he worked for several years with research organizations (INSE, Atmosphères) before joining the activity and entrepreneurs’ cooperative, SCOP Oxalis. From 2016 to 2019, he led the Energy Efficiency Passport, run by the P2E Experience Association . The Shift is a founding member and provides the secretariat of this association.
If you’d like to be part of the adventure, you can join us through The Shifters volunteer association. Alternatively, go to the “Join us” page.
The Shift Project is supported by a volunteer association: The Shifters
The Shifters is an association under the French law of 1901, created in 2014 to provide voluntary support to the think tank The Shift Project, which works to decarbonise the economy. Initially conceived as a structure to welcome anyone wishing to help The Shift with research, relay or support work, the Shifters are carrying out more and more independent work, but always with one objective: to make an effective contribution to the exit from fossil fuels on a French and European scale.
To :
- find out more, go to
- to find out more about what the Shifters are doing, go to
- get involved with the Shifters:
Whether you’re a lawyer, translator, teacher, jobseeker, stay-at-home dad, artist, engineer or writer, doctor or gardener, antique dealer or market gardener, all talents are welcome as we work together to meet the challenges of climate change and the energy transition!
How can I join the Shifters?
1. Registration: fill in the short form to join the Shifters
Registering on the online form ensures that Shifters share the values of the association. It also allows you to receive communications from the Shifters. So don’t hesitate, join the Shifters!
2. Membership: contribute to The Shifters by paying on HelloAsso
Joining the Shifters means :
- formally joining The Shifters, an association under the law of 1901
- supporting the work of The Shifters through my presence and participation
- taking part in The Shifters’ decarbonisation projects
- access all the content reserved for subscribers (training, events, conferences and content)
- join a dynamic and caring community that shares my goals.
What’s more, the membership fee is free (on average around €30), with no obligation and secure. So don’t hesitate, join now!
A collective, a vision, a mission, values
The aim of the Shifters is to welcome anyone interested in climate change and its consequences, and wishing to take part in a collective effort to decarbonise our economy.
We are a group of citizens with :
- a Vision, shared without reservation, that of the Shift Project, on the reality of anthropogenic climate change, the inevitable depletion of fossil resources and the need for a carbon transition in our economy
- a Mission, guiding our work, to support the Shift Project by making its skills and work available, to train and inform ourselves on energy-climate issues, and to disseminate the work of the Shift Project and the Shifters in order to strengthen public interest in decarbonisation
- Values, inspired by the spirit of the Shift Project, guaranteeing scientific and technical rigour in all our work, openness to everyone, whatever their background, impartiality, which guarantees our political independence, professionalism in our behaviour and our work and, lastly, conviviality, which is useful when dealing collectively with issues that are as serious as they are complex.
These 3 founding pillars (vision, mission, values) guide the life of the association and ensure our coherence. They are our common DNA, whatever our differences on other issues: we are all first and foremost at the service of decarbonisation because we consider all other issues to be subsidiary to it.
The Shifters unreservedly share the vision of the Shift Project. They take for granted the reality of climate disruption caused by our greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the depletion of our fossil fuel resources in the short to medium term. With this in mind, they want to work towards a carbon transition for the economy, to free us from the dual constraints of climate change and dependence on fossil fuels.
They believe that an approach that is both objective and pragmatic, yet ambitious and innovative, based on the rigorous use of scientific and technical knowledge, will provide political and economic decision-makers throughout Europe with realistic solutions that help to limit the extent and effects of climate change, as well as anticipating our societies’ exit from the fossil fuel era.
The Shifters’ network is made up of professionals with a wide range of backgrounds, experience and skills who are interested in the carbon transition of the economy, whether or not they are already active in this field, and who wish to :
- support the Shift Project in its work, by making their labour or skills available to the Shift team on an ad hoc basis
- be informed, debate and learn about the decarbonisation of the economy, from a scientific, technical and political perspective, as well as in terms of the issues, players, solutions and current events involved
- disseminate the ideas and work of the Shift Project within their own networks and develop new networks in the field of decarbonising the economy.
Scientific and technical requirements
On climate change and the depletion of fossil fuels, the Shifters believe that serious treatment of these issues is only possible through detailed study and assimilation of scientific and technical knowledge on these subjects. They place particular emphasis on the limits imposed by the laws of physics, which the economy must take into account. Similarly, a clear, factual and objective approach is needed to examine the various solutions available to us for the carbon transition, analysing their advantages and disadvantages and their technical, economic and social feasibilit
Given the complexity and importance of the issues surrounding climate change and the organisation of our independence from fossil fuels, the Shifters will show humility and remain open to any serious, well-argued proposal, formulated constructively, in a spirit of tolerance, respect and dialogue. The Shifters also believe that the scale of the challenge represented by the carbon transition makes it necessary to devise original, innovative and ambitious solutions, and in particular to take an interest in the way in which the transition is thought out and implemented in other countries, particularly within the European Union. Finally, the Shifters are keen to involve as many people as possible in the carbon transition. They are keen to be understood by those who are new to the subject, and to educate those who are less well-informed.
The Shifters are a pluralist organisation, independent of any political party, ideological movement or economic pressure group. Shifters have their own backgrounds, thoughts and personalities, but they are aware that their role within the association is not to serve their own personal interests, but rather the general interest.
The Shifters seek to acquire or enhance a certain expertise on issues relating to the energy transition. They take care to remain concrete, pragmatic and efficient, both in the study of these issues and in the running of the association.
Although they are interested in serious issues, the Shifters see energy and climate change as a challenge rather than a threat. In fact, they make it a point of honour to ensure that their activities take place in an atmosphere of good humour and conviviality.
Committed and diverse citizens
The Shifters form a network of tens of thousands of people and several thousand paid-up members. Of all ages, educational backgrounds and social levels, they work together for decarbonisation. There are also several hundred members who are actively involved in the life of the association and the management of its projects, whether they be time-limited or multi-year assignments, in-house or external, in the production of technical work, the organisation of events or the running of the association. There are almost a hundred projects underway, led by independent project managers. Last but not least, there are dozens of volunteers supervising these activities and ensuring the administrative management of our collective.
The Shifters are students, retired people, professionals and amateurs, women and men, fathers and mothers, who have decided to work together to help society take the necessary step away from fossil fuels.
The Shifters are local groups where you can meet other like-minded members near you, and themed circles where you can work together on complex subjects.
The Shifters are volunteer speakers, trainers, editors, videographers, podcasters, aeronautical and agricultural engineers, energy and accounting experts and farmers.
Above all, the Shifters are citizens who, through their actions, their network and their knowledge, want to play an active part in ensuring that the decarbonisation of the economy is at the heart of all the issues facing society in the future.
Examples of missions carried out by Shifters:
- Organisation of conferences and events to raise public awareness of the solutions available to meet the challenge of climate change : ;
- Organisation of UniverShifté, the Shifters’ summer university :
- Launch of a podcast : Time to shift
- Organisation of a film festival : Projection Transition
- Creation of a weekly newsletter on climate-related legal news : La Gazette du carbone
- Launch of the Shift Your Job website with the aim of reconciling employment and climate change :
- Launch of a collaborative workshop to raise awareness of the carbon challenges of personal mobility, inspired by the Fresque du climat (Climate Fresco) : La Fresque de la Mobilité
- Translation of the energy-climate elements of the German coalition agreement, a European report on energy renovation, Shift reports, etc. ;
- Contribution to the drafting of several sheets of the Manifesto to Decarbonise Europe;
- Contribution to several working groups of the Plan for the Transformation of the French Economy;
- Contribution to various Shift projects on the link between GDP and energy and on corporate climate reporting;
- Monitoring the energy-climate proposals of the presidential candidates;
- And dozens more…
The Shifters is a dynamic community of several thousand members that is also developing through numerous Local Groups in France (metropolitan and overseas) and abroad. At the beginning of 2021, the Shifters had more than 30 Local Groups in many different parts of the world. These are organised around monthly meetings that enable them to develop their activities.
Don’t hesitate to join them and contribute if you too want to take action to decarbonise our economies.
Shifters Monthly – Toulouse
Shifters Monthly – Lyon
Mensuelle des Shifters – Montpellier
Shifters conference in Brussels: “The climate, and me, and me, and me – I think about it and then I forget…”.
Shifters conference in Brussels: “What if I could do something for the climate? The role of the citizen in the carbon transition”.
If you would like to request a Shifters presentation (conference, workshop, etc.) in your organisation (local authority, company, educational establishment, public or health establishment, party, association, etc.), please go to “Catalogue des interventions du Shift et des Shifters”.