Get real about carbon pricing – fast
Open paths and dead ends towards carbon neutrality. We’re almost there, yet everything remains to be done. The climate agreement about to be brokered by the international community boils down […]
Open paths and dead ends towards carbon neutrality. We’re almost there, yet everything remains to be done. The climate agreement about to be brokered by the international community boils down […]
M. Carney, Chairman of the Financial Stability Board (the very respectable G20 international institution) says out loud what global finance managers think out loud. And there he is, strongly criticized […]
The EU ETS should enable the emergence of a price signal which is predictable and high enough over the long-term in order to trigger low-carbon investments. This is the objective […]
Triggering low carbon investments through an auction reserve price on C02 allowances The Shift Project submits its contribution to the European Commission For “The Shift Project”, the debate on monitoring […]
The economist Alain Grandjean, member of The Shift Project’s scientific council, co-founder and associate of “Carbone 4” consulting firm, former chairman of the experts committee of the national debate on […]
A climate agreement limiting global warming to 2 ° C would cause 28,000 billion $ worth of losses for holders of assets in the oil, gas and coal industry. A […]
A study conducted by CDC Climat Recherche reveals that the funding dedicated to climate change in France in 2011 amounted to €22 billion. The results of the study were presented […]
The article written by Michel Lepetit, The Shift Project’s Vice-President, for Histoires de France is titled “1346: THE LIMITS OF GROWTH – The economic transition from the 11th to the […]
The Shift Project has conducted a study of how energy considerations can be taken into account when banks grant mortgage loans. This analysis serves as the basis for a detailed […]