On May 25th, two of our interns, Joseph Hajjar and Bastien Praz, presented Rogeaulito during a seminar organized by The Shift Project at KTH, Stockholm’s prestigious scientific university. The seminar was an opportunity for Joseph and Bastien to present the work they have carried out for their Masters theses and show the concrete usage of the Shift’s prospective energy tool. The audience was very receptive and intrigued by Rogeaulito’s original approach. Professors Semida Silveira and Per Lundqvist from KTH energy department had some positive feedback and expressed their interest in following Rogeaulito’s development for its potential future use in an academic setting at KTH.
Rogeaulito is a tool for creating and analyzing energy scenarios with a particular approach. It independently describes a possible supply-side scenario subject to physical constraints and a demand-side driven by social desires, and highlights any ‘Missing Energy Supply’ (MES) in which the trend in energy supply falls short of meeting projected demand. More information about Rogeaulito can be found here.

Photo, from left to right: Johannes Morfeldt – PhD student, Joseph Hajjar, Professor Semida Silveira, Professor Per Lundqvist, Bastien Praz (The other two members of the Rogeaulito team, Léo Benichou and Damaris Franco, also took part in the seminar via skype).