Search Results: renovation


Under the French Associations Law of 1901, The Shift Project is led by both a Board of Directors, in which are represented  member companies, and an Executive Committee. On a daily basis, The Shift Project is managed by the Director and his team. They benefit from the advice of the Committee of Experts. Once a year, […]

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The Shift Project‘s collaborators are of diverse backgrounds, and are managed by the Executive Director Matthieu Auzanneau. The think tank operates under the supervision of the Internal Committee and its President Jean-Marc Jancovici. Project Managers lead the working groups, and The Shift Project is actively supported by volunteers organized within an independent association, The Shifters.

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P2E experimentation : Passeport efficacité énergétique

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] The Passport for Energy Efficiency if the Individual Building Renovation Roadmap initially invented by The Shift Project and later developped and experimented by the association Expérience P2E. It targets the 16 million private houses in France, and aims at the massification of performant energy renovation. Please find here: The website of Expérience P2E: […]

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The Shift in the media

Press contact : Jean-Noël Geist – 06 95 10 81 91 – A glimpse of The Shift Project in the media : find below a selection of articles.  2019 2019-11-18 – Les Échos | « Les grands groupes mis au défi d’une vraie stratégie sur le climat  2019-09-27 – France Culture | Entre croyances et savoirs […]

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Energy efficiency at the heart of the Juncker investment plan

France and Germany decided to carry the energy renovation of buildings at the heart of the ECOFIN summit on December 9th. As part of the Juncker investment plan for the revival of the European economy, Paris and Berlin submitted the use of innovative finance for massive projects involving energy efficiency commitments. The European Commission highlighted […]

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The Shift unveils its Passport for Energy Efficiency

This article is available in French only at this time. Please contact communication(a) for additionnal information Le Shift dévoile le Passeport Efficacité Energétique Un outil développé avec les principaux acteurs de la filière pour massifier la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments The Shift Project s’apprête à tester son Passeport Efficacité Énergétique, un outil capable d’accélérer la […]

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The Shift Project agrees with the Court of Audit’s conclusions about the Climate and energy package

The Court of Audit’s report strikes hard. It warns political decision-makers that fundamental considerations have to be reviewed, such as the inclusion of importations in the carbon footprint or the necessity of saving energy to reduce GHG emissions. In this article, the Shift comments on the Court of Audit’s recommendations concerning housing and transportation.   […]

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Martin Bouygues comes out in favor of the energy transition and supports a key proposal from The Shift Project

Martin Bouygues, CEO of the Bouygues construction group, voiced support for the energy transition in an opinion piece published September 19th in the economic news daily Les Échos (Paris). As recommended by The Shift Project in its report on thermal renovation of buildings, Mr. Bouygues is in favor of “a minimum level of binding measures” […]

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