2014 – Yes, we can… Shift!
The Shift Project wishes you a happy and productive new year! We look forward to pursuing our work with you in 2014 in order to achieve a carbon-free economy. Our […]
The Shift Project wishes you a happy and productive new year! We look forward to pursuing our work with you in 2014 in order to achieve a carbon-free economy. Our […]
“Rogeaulito“, the world energy scenario modeling tool developped by The Shift Project has been published in the scientific revue “Frontiers” in Open Access! Find this article by clicking on the […]
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released on September 27th the executive summary of the first volume of the panel’s fifth assessment report on climate change. This 20-page summary […]
In a complex and highly charged debate, climate negotiations are often blocked over the question of how to share between countries the efforts to limit global warming to an increase […]
The Shift Project’s Vice-President, Ms. Geneviève Férone, was awarded the Legion of Honor (France’s highest decoration) on July 14th. Bastille Day, the French National Day, is traditionally the occasion to […]
The Shift Project launched the new version of its energy-climate data portal in late May. This Version 2 uses the Qlikview technology developed by the QlikTech company. Since 2011 a […]
The results of a nation-wide public opinion poll on the views of French people and French business leaders on the energy transition were made public on June 12th. Conducted by […]
In 1974, Dennis Meadows and his MIT research team published a book titled “Towards global equilibrium: the collected papers”, which has never been translated into French. Christophe Mangeant, an engineer […]
Oil Pump Jack – The Great Oil Glut Olivier Rech, a French energy expert and member of ASPO France (Association for the Study of Peak Oil) comments a resarch paper […]